Make it Engaging: How to Write an SEO-Friendly Blog Post

It takes skill to write blog posts. You should consider the structure of your content and make it engaging to keep the reader interested. People who like and understand an article are more likely to share it with others, boosting your ranking. So, if you want to enhance your writing skills and rankings, start with these SEO-friendly blog post writing ideas!

Writing for SEO and writing to engage and fascinate your audience may appear to some to be polar opposite goals. I don’t see it this way. If you want SEO-friendly blog content, the words you want searched for should be prominently displayed. On the other hand, overusing keywords can significantly reduce the readability of your writing, something you definitely don’t want to do. In fact,  high keyword density can be interpreted by Google as indicating that you are keyword stuffing, negatively impacting your rank.

This post discusses how to write blog posts that are SEO-friendly and readable. These two objectives should always be handled together. We feel that writing in clear language attracts and keeps visitors on your page.

Before you begin, research keywords.

To write an SEO-friendly <a href=blog post, do your research” width=”480″ height=”232″ />

Before you begin writing, you must do keyword research. If you want to monopolize the search results, you must first determine the words your target audience uses. These are the topics to write about and the keywords to use in your text.

When you’ve completed your keyword research and have a list of focus keywords to write about, it’s time to start writing. Here are ten pointers to help you write a great blog post!

Tips for Writing SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

Above all, your blog post should be well-written. Many bloggers start typing whatever comes to mind when starting a new blog article. While this may be sufficient for some people with strong writing abilities, others may want assistance. I always follow these “rules” when I create a new blog.

Before you write, think.

Before you begin, consider the message of your work carefully. What do you want to inform your audience, or which core question do you wish to answer? What is your article’s purpose? And, at the end of the page, what do you want your readers to do? Before you begin, write down the answers to these questions and consider the search intent of someone. Looking through the search results for the search term you want to rank for is a simple approach to gaining insight into this.

Make a plan for your post.

To create a digestible and SEO-friendly blog post, you must first set a comprehensive framework. This means that every post should include:

  • an introduction in which you present your topic;
  • a body that contains the primary content;
  • and a close in which you summarize the main points or form a conclusion.

Jot down in a few sentences what you want to express in each of the three areas. You have just created a summary of your post. These preliminary steps will assist you in creating a structured and readable blog article. Now the actual writing can begin.

Make use of paragraphs and headings.

Everyone uses paragraphs, yet not everyone uses them correctly. Avoid beginning each sentence on a new line only for aesthetics. Also, please don’t make them too long because each paragraph should have its own theme or subject. Consider what the central concept of each paragraph is. You should be able to sum up the essential point in one sentence. If that isn’t possible and you need extra phrases to explain the primary topic, simply use more paragraphs.

Use transitional phrases.

Transition words assist readers in scanning your material and comprehending the relationship between sentences and paragraphs. Assume, for instance, that you have three reasons why customers should buy your product. It helps to use signal words such as ‘first and foremost,’ ‘secondly,’ and ‘finally.’ Furthermore, terms like ‘however,’ ‘similarly,’ and ‘for example’ send a strong message to your readers. Readers will instantly understand that a conclusion will follow terms like ‘to summarize’ or ‘in short.’ As a result, transition phrases are essential for adding structure to your writing.

Use keywords that are related.

Stuffing your post with your focus keyword makes reading less pleasant and can harm your rankings. Google is becoming more intelligent and wants you to create content that users will enjoy. It does not require you to utilize your target keyword in every sentence. It has alternative methods for analyzing what your writing is about. Google recognizes synonyms and other keywords linked to your focus key as one way it understands your text’s topic. That is why, throughout your writing, you should include synonyms and related keywords.

Synonyms are relatively easy to come up with, but coming up with the proper related keywords is more complicated. You want to find related keyphrases quickly.  To achieve this, you can use this SEMrush tool.

Optimize the length of your post.

Make your blog posts at least 300 words long, but keep the length of your article balanced. Google prefers long posts, but it may turn off users if your blog post is too long. I would recommend only writing extensive articles if you are confident in your writing abilities. When your content is lengthy, you’re asking a lot of your readers to read the entire thing. Remember to use your focus key throughout your text to ensure that you end up with an SEO-friendly blog post!

“Word count is not indicative of quality. Some pages have a lot of words that say nothing. Some pages have very few words that are very important & relevant to queries. You know your content best (hopefully) and can decide whether it needs the details.” – John Mueller, Google

You mustn’t read that statement and think that you can get by publishing the bare minimum of content because Google does not care how many words are on a page.

Google doesn’t care about how many words precisely. However, Google’s algorithm is meant to satisfy user intent. The intent of the search may dictate that a more extended post be preferred over a shorter one. It’s a matter of quality over quantity.

Add links to your existing content.

Suppose you’ve previously written content on the same topic as your current piece, and link to and from it. It will strengthen your new blog article and previous posts by demonstrating authority on the subject. Additionally, the structure of your links is vital for your Google rankings. Not to mention that connecting to other articles regarding a topic is beneficial to your readers. They may also be interested in reading these linked posts. It aids them in navigating your website.

Linking content to other content within your website is known as internal linking. Your readers and Google will appreciate it when you do this. It assists them in managing your content and understanding the relationships between different information on your site, so take the time to link to and from earlier posts.

Ask others to proofread your post.

Get your content proofread for SEO-friendly blog posts

Having someone else read your post before publishing it is always a brilliant idea. Ask if they understand your post’s main idea. Also, ask them to address any typos or grammatical errors. Their feedback might benefit you by objectively reviewing the readability and quality of your content. If you have a team member who is an expert in the issue you’re writing about, run your article by them. They can then check to see if you’ve covered everything you need and make comments to improve your content.

Add new content consistently.

Adding new blog posts to your consistently tells Google that your website is active. Having an active site is significant because Google will crawl it less frequently, thus harming your ranks if your site isn’t. However, don’t just post an article for the sake of posting. Ensure that everything you submit is of excellent quality: informative, well-written articles that engage visitors while also fitting their search intent.

Creating an editorial schedule for your blog may be a good idea if you find it difficult to post regularly. This calendar will allow you to structure the process to suit you and your team. It’s also a good idea to refresh your old blog entries now and again to keep them fresh.

To wrap it up.

The days of depending on a few SEO tricks to have your website ranked high on Google are long gone. Nowadays, quality content reigns supreme for an SEO-friendly blog post. Furthermore, good content leads to more links, shares, tweets, and repeat visitors to your website. Of course, there are other things you can do to improve your post’s SEO friendliness, but the most important thing is to produce very, very good blogs!

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About Brian Gibbs

Hi there! I help small business owners like you grow online. I'm all about using AI to make your business work smarter, not harder. I'll show you how to use the latest tech tools to find more customers and save time. Whether you're looking to streamline operations with AI or boost your online presence, I offer tailored solutions and hands-on coaching to fuel your growth. Let's work together to unlock your business's full potentials! Click to connect with me today.